
How to choose your household fans: The different benefits of each fan type

Household fans are a popular and energy efficient solution for keeping a room cool during the hot summer days. But in our days, they come in so many different shapes and types, that you can easily get confused while trying to find the right type of fan for you!

Different types of fans are made for different purposes, and each type has its own benefits. So let’s take a look at the benefits of each one, and find the type of fan that suits your needs!

1. Stand Fans

The main benefit of Stand Fans is that they are portable and lightweight. They are so easy to move that you can literally carry them with you in every room! Their adjustable height and rotating head are also a big plus, while some stand fans also come with a remote controller that allows you to turn the fan on and adjust the speed while chilling on your couch! Use them for efficient air circulation in small or large rooms, whether you have a lot of guests or just yourself to keep cool.

2. Tower Fans

Tower Fans are also quite easy to move, as they are slim and compact. Their slender design makes them perfect for small spaces. In addition, they can often be quieter in comparison to traditional stand fans. This makes them ideal for keeping the bedroom cool while you are enjoying your sleep. Plus, they are probably the most stylish ones amongst all types of household fans!

3. Desk fans

Obviously, the portability of a Desk Fan is its main advantage – especially when you have an electrical extension cord which allows you to take the desk fan with you at the balcony, rooftop or other areas with no plug points! This type of fan is the most convenient solution when you’re looking for a household fan for individual use – your home office or computer desk for example. It comes in a variety of sizes and shapes, so that you can choose the one that suits your individual needs!

4. Wall Fans

Wall Fans are becoming more and more popular nowadays! They are great for circulating the air throughout the whole room and ideal if you want to save floor or table space. Apart from using them in various rooms in your home, you can also use these fans in garages and sheds, where you need a practical and space-saving cooling solution.

5. Box Fans

Like desk fans, Box Fans are designed in a way that allows you to move them around the house with you. They are usually placed on the floor, but can also be put near a window, for doubling their cooling effect. Despite their compact size, these fans can be quite powerful and ideal for the natural ventilation of the room!

6. Mist Fans

Mist Fan – the type of fan that converts water into mist and sprays it out while circulating air – helps moisten the hot, dry air during summertime. So while you are keeping the room cool, you can also keep the humidity levels in the room balanced! Mist fans are known for their high cooling capacity, as they can help in dropping the temperature of a room by 3-5°C!

To sum it up, household fans are an effective, cost-effective and eco-friendly solution for keeping your home cool and ventilated! So what’s the next step? Well, just write down your needs and requirements for each room you want to keep cool, read this blog once again, decide on the perfect fans for your needs and buy them online! Simple as that!