Kids Toys

We all enjoy getting children Christmas presents because we know we will be giving them a whole lot of joy. It shows in their beaming faces and wide smiles as soon as they see the wrapping paper! How do you choose the right toys that suit each child’s character while also offering endless hours of fun that lasts well after the holidays?

Durable toys that they can play with all year long

With just a few clever purchases, you can make your very own play area filled with resilient fun toys that promote creativity and interactivity while keeping your children active all year long. Since we enjoy year-round sunshine in Cyprus, outdoor toys can be an ideal solution to create this play area, offering your young ones the chance to entertain themselves and get some much-needed exercise!
No child can say no to a super fun slide! Secure countless hours of joy both indoors and outdoors with a very affordable and compact playground slide that you can purchase from our stores. Made with durable waterproof plastic, with high-quality design, this slide is both easy and safe to use, while you can even create a protective cushioned landing area with a few colourful safety mats. This gift is great for both your kids and your friends’ children, as you will not just be offering the little ones hours of fun; you will also be giving the parents a much-needed stress-free break!
An interactive playhouse or a beautifully crafted tepee tent will help you develop your children’s’ imagination as it helps them create their own stories based on their own domestic experiences, and can be enjoyed alone or with friends. Toys like these offer a private space that kids can decorate on their own with a fun playmat for example, while letting their imagination flow, invite friends to play some role based games, or enjoy some downtime when they are a little tired. 

Toys that encourage friendships

Making friends when you are young is not as easy as you think! Especially during the first few years of life, when children are used to being the centre of attention and do not quite grasp the significance of socializing. Children learn quickly though, and playtime helps them learn the importance of collaborative projects and sharing. 
Toys that have been designed for two or more children can help young ones make friends while also learning about managing their emotions and working on relationships they care about. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, our double rocker can teach your child the value of friendship through play, because even though one child can also use it, it is much more fun when two children share it, as this amplifies its rocking action.  
Team games help boost both children both physically and mentally as they develop a sense of courage and patience. It is important that children participate in extracurricular team activities, but they can also start practicing teamwork at home, through play. A durable soccer table for example, will help children start to understand the importance of following rules and fair play. If the child is particularly keen on soccer and your home offers a large enough outdoor space, you may also want to think about getting a cool foldable soccer goal set, in order to practice techniques and truly understand how teamwork can be used to achieve a winning result.

Play-related products that develop a sense of responsibility

You can accompany these great Christmas gift ideas (which all happen to be on offer), with some durable storage boxes that will teach children to tidy up and put away their things after playtime, just like mum and dad do! 
Happy holidays to the young… and young at heart, with warm wishes for a playful, joyful New Year.